The structure, located at Via Gen. Gennaro Niglio, is an expression of Neapolitan Art Nouveau, but fits perfectly into the Golden Mile of Vesuvian Villas. It was home to the prestigious Amedeo Maiuri International Archaeological Center. Once the Center closed in 1980, the complex, abandoned to itself, poured into a state of decay far removed from its former glory. Subsequently, the Municipality of Herculaneum acquired the availability of the property from EPT (Ente Provinciale per il Turismo) and began an action of restoration and architectural recovery, envisaging its worthy use as part of the enhancement of the area's cultural heritage. The work was completed in July 2009, and the monumental complex is currently a location for meetings, exhibitions, musical performances, as well as a venue for the celebration of civil marriages. In December 2014, the restored little church inside the villa, dedicated to St. Rita, was again opened to the worship of the faithful, offering the possibility of celebrating weddings with a religious rite. The little church is entrusted to the parish of St. Mary of Loreto, and more information on opening hours can be obtained by calling 0817775604.
Villa Maiuri
Via Gennaro Niglio, 21, 80056 Ercolano NA
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