On 21 October the appointments with Gli Ozi di Ercole return

Starring Francesco Sirano and Alessandro Vanoli with the story of the objects.

While strolling around the spontaneous markets of Naples or Moscow, Walter Benjamin was fascinated by the pagan party atmosphere that reigned there. Those exhibited were not simply goods but much more, true allegories. Ultimately, everything referred to something else: aliquid stat pro aliquo. To values exceeding the economy - or rather a vision of the economy centered on the sole motive of profit - to cross over into other spheres. The affective one, for example, which makes things a receptacle, and an expression, a story, of life. Otherwise it would not explain why we keep things that will appear insignificant to the rest of the world. For us, those things are - they don't just document - our history, its most complete and eloquent synthesis. Without them there is no history. That "endless poem", "that ocean of furniture, inventions, fashions, works, ruins", which is history. These are Balzac's words, referring not by chance to the warehouse of an antiquarian, to the phantasmagoria of the things that are accumulated there, to their power of fascination.